“Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required.” Luke 12:48

University of Arizona, College of Law

At the age of 12, Anna decided she would become an attorney to fight for other people. Initially thinking she wanted to become an environmental law attorney, she later discovered a passion for languages which came to fruition in international trade law studies. 

That said, Anna knows the best laid plans sometimes fail. Anna wound up becoming a civil rights attorney in government, and fighting for others' rights. Anna still loves the law, and is forever grateful for her education at the University of Arizona. It also helps that Anna's family is full of die-hard U of A Wildcats, and they strongly approved!

Yale University

Yale is an incredible school and community. Anna's Yale education prepared her for a life of service and commitment to make a difference in the lives of others. She's volunteered for Yale since graduating, including years serving as a Yale Alumni interviewer and now serving on the Yale President's Advisory Council. In spite of recent rough patches surrounding race issues, Yale University under President Salovey's excellent leadership is demonstrating to the world that Yale is a community of compassion, inclusion and diversity.

Catholic Sunday School Teacher

“Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required.” Luke 12:48

Faith is a very important part of Anna Maria Chávez's life and the life of her family. Growing up in Eloy, Arizona, Anna was mentored by her maternal grandmother, Nana Vicenta, who gave her daily instructions on their Catholic faith and put these mysterious concepts into plain language.

"One of my biggest joys and challenges is teaching the catholic faith to children and young adults in my community. I've taught my son's religious class for three years and I've loved every minute of it. It's so important to help children understand that they can combine their faith with their secular lives". - Anna Maria Chávez

Anna's grandmother stopped and prayed twice daily and always devoted her attention to role modeling a Christian life and service to others. Nana and Anna's mother, Maria, consistently quoted Luke 12:48 to remind Anna and her brothers of the numerous blessings in their lives and were required to share their blessings with others. Anna hopes every day that her Nana is happy with the progress that she's made, and feels her prayers every day.